Film Trailer
Soundtrack Trailer
Written & Directed Xavier Guàrdia
Production Seny&Rauxa Docfilms
Recording Studios Uqbar Estudis
Fotographs Marc Javierre Kohan
Musical Director Jonni Witzi
Leopoldo / Jaume García Arija
Nausica / Rosa Serra Torrens
Octavio / Enric López
Pablo / Pablo Rosal
Joaquim / Miquel Segovia
Phoenix / Albert Pérez Hidalgo
Antonio / Toni Cyamar
Jordi / Carles Tricuera
Carmen / Gema Martínez
Mary Jo / Mónica Serrano
Jessica / Anabel Riquelme
Barcelona Tourist Walk / Daniel Andrew Griggs
A Bit of Us / Joni Witzi
Auld Lang Syne / Donnie Nicolson & Alicia Ortega
Cielito Lindo, Videta Meva / José González & Alba Boix
Fictional documentary that focuses on mass tourism in Barcelona City. Harsh criticism of the passive attitudes of those tourists who spend the day stepping on streets, running through museums and ignoring the locals. Rush to see it all. Hundreds if not thousands of paintings and images in just a few hours, surrendered to the inertia of a world that encourages them to look a lot to end up seeing very little.
Burning on crowded beaches, showing up in most major landmarks and photographing everything to the rhythm of a machine gun. Photographic arsenal that in most cases they will never see again. A stop along the way to gobble up junk food in cheap restaurants, or not so cheap, continue the day compulsively buying in department stores, and launch into the night swallowing sangria and whatever they throw at them like sponges.
A tourist who actually travels but has little to do with the ideal traveller, definitely far from the romantic one, originally adventurous and curious, intrepid and insatiable but also respectful and humble. That authentic traveller who still exists today in a marginal way, as an outsider who belongs to other times and to all times.
Creative collaboration with the photographer Marc Javierre Kohan who contributes colour photographs taken from his photographic book Tourist Walk.
Collaboration with AFB Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona (Photographic Archive of Barcelona) that provides black and white archive photographs dated between 1905 and 1980.
Anabel Riquelme / Rosa Serra Torrens / Pablo Rosal / Enric López / Jaume García Arija
Photo report of various soundtrack recordings that took place at Uqbar Estudis in the town of Terrassa. The photographers are David Datzira, Marc Javierre Kohan and Marc Belmonte.